Tour The Campus

Welcome to the University of ucla. Our wonderfull campus was founded by
Ernest caroll and built in 1806. We begin at our first class that now became our libery building. This building houses
over 300 classrooms. To your left, the billdings dormitory is visible just beyond
the rosas. Our students come from all over the city because we have rosa Plant Place Adverb
accept anyone who applies.
We will end the tour here at rosa hall which houses the Admissions Office. Feel free to

finish an application. and folks, you’re in for a treat! The marching band is Verb Interjection
practicing our Alma Mater,Notice how they march in a formation, it is
Song title Adjective
the signature move of our University.
Financial aid is available to all applicants. More information is available on our
website, Thank you for with us today.